Ghosts of December 23rds Past – The Poetic Take

Weekly Writing Challenge: Ghosts of December 23rds Past

I slept on my sofa, allowing myself to recline,
As the winds whipped against the trees.
Reflecting on the day that had been spent, as I lay on my spine,
The snowball that hit my face, making it freeze.

The year before that I walked in the wilderness,
Watching birds and creatures shiver.
As I thought of my fireplace and its goodness,
The warmth and love it can deliver.

Some winters ago, when the sky became a dark lantern,
I looked out of my bedroom window.
The wind howled, causing the snow to swirl and turn,
The moon resting in the sky, an everlasting glow.

Over a decade ago, being a mere infant,
My presents lay underneath the tree.
I wasn’t allowed to open them, making me cry in an instant,
And making me question humanity.

My first Christmas has faded from my mind,
But I’m sure it was joy and fun.
I remember faces of loved ones, as we dined,
Nobody had lost anything that day, we all had won.

The Christmas spirit should leave us content,
And not questioning our fate.
After all, it is how the year should be spent,
Happiness, joy and love until the end of this wait.

5 thoughts on “Ghosts of December 23rds Past – The Poetic Take

  1. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: Ghosts of Years Past | A mom's blog

  2. Pingback: of ferocity « Anawnimiss

  3. Pingback: {Weekly Writing Challenge} Ghosts of Christmas Past… | 3rdculturechildren

  4. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge – Ghosts of December 23rds Past | Joe's Musings

  5. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge – 23rd December 1993 | medicinalmeadows

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